In Japan, the prime minister, released after the resignation of Shinzo Abe, is claimed by Cabinet Secretary General Yoshihide Suga, who will officially announce his participation in the upcoming elections at a press conference on September 2. This was reported with reference to sources on September 1 by Kyodo. It is noted that Yoshihide Suga is de facto the second person in the government of Japan, constantly holding the post of Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers since 2012. Earlier it became known that Sugu, who had already notified the leadership of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan of his intention to take part in the election of the new party chairman, who will simultaneously head the government, was supported by two major party factions. Recall, Shinzo Abe on August 28 announced his upcoming resignation for health reasons. Until his successor is chosen, Abe will be prime minister. According to the news agency, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japa...