Alibaba's new scanners can identify people without masks and with heat
The Chinese tech giant Alibaba has launched an artificial intelligence system with the function of identifying passers-by with or without face masks, which can be useful in the fight against the new coronavirus, reported on February 13, Xinhua news agency. The system is based on integrated technologies, including temperature contactless remote imaging of people with an error of around 0.3% degree Celsius. If a passenger with heat passes the sensors of the system, she will be able to automatically warn the responsible personnel and establish the location of the passenger, said the engineer of the company Yun Tao. First, the system will be installed in Hema Fresh stores, where fresh vegetables, fruits and meat are sold, and then it will reach hospitals, train stations and metro stations, along with other public places. In addition to Alibaba, China's other tech giants like Megvii and Baidu are also developing their screening systems.
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